Welcome to Blazing Fowler´s kennel
I judge tolling tests in Sweden and abroad. I start at tolling tests too, in all classes and I am a hunter. My goal with my breeding is to combine good quality regarding hunting, functional construction, mentality and health.
Coming up:
Next litter
Hopefully Daffi will come in heat this autumn 2024, and then a litter is planned for summer 2025 with Tess.
Welcome to the English section!
It is under construction. My intention is to write information also in English and link here. /Marie
Latest news
Updated: December 16th, 2024
J RLDN RLDF LD STARTKLASS Blazing Fowler´s Win Easy Peasy "Izzi" is DNA-tested CP1 clear which means that the Biz-litter is free from birth.
NLJCH DEJCH BEJCH C.I.B.-J DEJCH(DRC) Blazing Fowler´s Biz Caya "Roxx" has been to show in Belgium. 4x Excellent BOS and Belgium beauty champion with owner Linda de Jong.
People write and ask how it´s going with my litter-plans. Well...Daffi was in heat January 2024 and we are still waiting for her to come into heat again. For Tess I had to change male since the chosen one very sadly got cancer and now is put to sleep. I have a new planned stud and Tess will probably come into heat in April. She is more like a clock.
RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo"has been to show twice with Excellent. In Växjö he became 2nd in youthclass. In Åstorp he entered openclass with Excellent, best male, BOB med CERT and inte the finals he became BIG-4!
RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" has also been twice to shows with Excellent both times. In Växjö she became 1st in youthclass and in Åstorp she became 1st in openclass, 3rd best bitch with reserv-cert.
J RLDN RLDF LD STARTKLASS Blazing Fowler´s Win Easy Peasy "Izzi" on the show in Åstorp she got Excellent and placed 2nd in huntingclass.
Njupavallens Yamba Leya was on show in Växjö and got Very Good and a 3rd place i youthclass.
Blazing Fowler´s Movie Mary Poppins "Poppie" got Excellent, 2nd place in the Veteranclass and Reserv-cert.
RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo" and RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" has had eyes checked with the result "clear".
J Blazing Fowler´s My Little Girl "Lovis" has got Very Good on tollingfieldtrial openclass.
J RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler´s Fizzy Bubblizz "Molly" has got Very Good on tollingfieldtrial openclass.
J SEVCH Blazing Fowler´s Ruby Red "Ruby" has got Very Good on tollingfieldtrial beginnersclass.
RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler´s Ispy Maroon "Zappa" has competed in rally-O advanced class and got a qualified result and came 2nd.
Blazing Fowler´s Biz Nizz "Storm" has got hips and elbows x-rayed with HD A and ED 0 (best result) he has also competed in a Working Test with good points.
Blazing Fowler´s VS Sirocco "Sören" has got hips and elbows x-rayed with HD A and ED 0 (best result)
RLDN RLDF RLDA Blazing Fowler´s My Own Hero "Loke" has got the title RLDA, rally-o advanced class diploma.
RLDN Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" passed the aptitude test for gametracking. Tess also got diploma in Rally-O beginnersclass and the title RLDN.
FDI RLD N RLD F RLD A SE RALLYCH SU(u)CH Blazing Fowler´s My Oh My "Daffi" competed in Heelwork to Music, moved up to second class and got the titel HtMI
RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler´s My Own Hero "Loke" has competed in advanced Rally-o and got their second qulified result (three is needed for titel and to move up to next class)
Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" has made her debute in competions with two qualified results in Rally-O beginners class.
Swedish Tollarspecialen (The Toller Speciality) 2024!
We celebrated great successes and got very nice words of praise for the breeding.
Show: (of over 200 dogs)
NLJCH DEJCH BEJCH C.I.B.-J DEJCH(DRC) Blazing Fowler´s Biz Caya "Roxx"HP, Youth class 1, Youthclass BOB, Best bitch 1 and Show BOS! "Roxx" was thus the prettiest bitch of all on the special!!
RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo" HP, Youth class 1, Youth BOS, Best male 4. So two litter siblings entered and competed against each other to be the prettiest young dog of all there! Roxx won and Gizmo came second!
Blazing Fowler's Biz Kitt "Tess" HP, Youth class 4
J SEVCH Blazing Fowler's Ruby Red "Ruby" unplaced, Njupavallen's Yamba Leya HP, unplaced.
Breeding group with offspring after J RLDN RLDF LD START CLASS Blazing Fowler´s Win Easy Peasy "Izzi" HP, 3rd placed (Ruby, Tess, Roxx and Gizmo participated)
Breeder group HP, 3rd placed with a review that ended with "Congratulations on an excellent breeder job"! (Participated did Ruby, Tess, Roxx and Gizmo)
Tolling test:
J RLDN RLDF SEVCH Blazing Fowler's Holy Brigida "Gida" Elite class, price: Good
J Blazing Fowler's My Little Girl "Lovis" Beginner class, price: Good
Started but without getting a prize: Open class "Zeven" and "Izzi". Beginner class: "Ruby" and "Akka", Junior class: "Roxx" and Gizmo"
Working test (over 50 starters):
RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler's Ispy Maroon "Zappa" 54p and 10th place
Blazing Fowler's Biz Nizz "Storm" 36p and 40th place,
Blazing Fowler's Biz Kitt "Tess" 15p and 50th place.
Rally obedience:
RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler´s Ispy Maroon "Zappa" 92p and winner of Advanced class!
Planned sire for the next litter Magicfox Truly Madly Deeply "Dasher" was placed 3rd in the Workingtest with 74p and has also gone game tracking, while he is still here, and became Swedish game tracking champion!
Blazing Fowler´s VS Sunnan "Tilly" is X-rayed HD B and ED 0.
Blazing Fowler´s VS Sunnan "Tilly" is X-rayed HD B and ED 0.
RLD N Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo" competed in Rally-O in Denmark ochd got the diploma in beginnersclass and the title RBM and also X-rayed with HD A and ED 0.
NLJCH DEJCH BEJCH C.I.B.-J DEJCH(DRC) Blazing Fowler´s Biz Caya "Roxx" and owner Linda de Jong continues to be starts at dogshows in Europe, this time in Arnhem where Roxx got Excellent and BOB , CAC och CACIB . Roxx has also got a C-diploma.
Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" is X-rayed with HD A och ED 0, been at a Winner-show and got Excellent, Ukk1, Btkl 3, Reserv-Cert and at another show at Tvååker she got Excellent and best youth (Ukk1).
TJH Blazing Fowler´s Ispy Copper "Tijugo" has been to the show in Tvååker and got Excellent, best male in openclass, Bhkl 2, Reserv-CAC och Reserv-Nordic CAC one day and the other day he got Excellent and was 3rd in openclass. Tijugo has mated "Lit" and hopefully there will be puppies at Rosennosens kennel.
FDI RLD N RLD F RLD A SE RALLYCH SU(u)CH Blazing Fowler´s My Oh My "Daffi" made her debute in Heelwork to Music and was placed 1:st and 2:nd on her first two competitions! Daffi passed the eyescan so now we just wait for her to come in heat.
Njupavallens Yamba Leya, (I have breeding rights, lives with Linda Sunesson) is X-rayed with HD A och ED 0 and she has done the mentalitydescription (MH).
RLDN Blazing Fowler´s My Own Hero "Loke" has been to a dog show and got Excellent and CAC..
We have a new champion in the kennel! FDI RLD N RLD F RLD A SU(u)CH Blazing Fowler´s My Oh My "Daffi" has competed and got her Rally-O championship and the titel: SE RALLYCH!
Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo" has competed in Rally-O and got his first titel: RLDN, he has also been to a dog show and got Reserv-CAC and Reserv-Cacib with Excellent, best male and och BOS. Gizmo is DNA-tested free from PRA and DE. Blazing Fowler´s Biz Kitt "Tess" is DNA-tested PRA B (carrier).
J Blazing Fowler´s My Little Girl "Lovis" and SEVCH Blazing Fowler´s Ruby Red "Ruby" have started tolling hunting and got Very Good! Blazing Fowler´s Biz Nizz "Storm" has passed the Norwegian qualification test for retrievers!
I and J RLDN RLDF Blazing Fowler´s Fizzy Bubblizz "Molly" have got Excellent in openclass tolling test! J SEVCH Blazing Fowler´s Honey Boo Boo "Akka" has got Good in beginners class tolling test. J RLDN RLDF RLDA Blazing Fowler´s Hobbit Aragorn "Aslan" startes Eliteclass and J Blazing Fowler´s My Guy "Flax" started openclass, both without price but good work anyway.
AgDI AgDII FDI LD START Blazing Fowler´s Win Jackpot "Zeven" has mated his second bitch, his first litter is born and all looks healthy and nice.
We have had our annual kennel gathering! Thanks to all that came! As usual it was both social and training (we had retriever training, Rally-O, gametracking, Nosework and a "try-out hunting test".
Blazing Fowler´s Biz Quiz "Gizmo" has competed Rally-O with two qualifying results in beginners class. He is DNA-tested for prcd-PRA and DE and came out free from both.
I am finnished with the planning of the next litter. Daffi will be mated by CH. Magicfox Truly Madly Deeply "Dasher".
BIZ-litter, the Izzi and Bras-litter have met for mentality description, MH.